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Client Care Helpsheet

Welcome to the Blanchards client helpsheet. Here we will go over the steps for both Docusign and postal pack contracts as well as any questions you may have.


Please click here to watch the Docusign tutorial video

Please follow the steps below to assist you with the Docusign process.

1. When the email from Blanchards Inheritance via DocuSign is opened, you will see a yellow link that says ‘Review Document’. Please click on this link and it will open the documents in a new tab.

2. Once this has been done, you will see a button in the left hand corner that says ‘Start’. Please click on this button and it will allow you to start the signing process.

3. Once these steps have been completed you will be presented with the first page of our paperwork and will be required to fill in a few details about yourself. This can be done by clicking on the textboxes and simply typing them in.

4. Once you have read the paperwork and are ready to sign, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will need to fill in some more details about yourself including telephone number, email address etc…but this can be done by clicking on the textboxes as above.

5. The next step is easy, simply click on the button that says ‘Sign’ and it will present you with a box where you can adopt your signature. Type your name in the box provided, click a signature that is suited to you and click ‘Okay’. This will sign the forms for you. 

6. Finally, when all of the above is completed, click on the ‘Finish’ button in the top right corner. This will finish the signing process and will automatically send you a copy of what has been signed and it will send us a copy in the office.

Postal pack

You will receive 2 copies of the postal version – one to keep for your own records and one for signing and returning in the pre-paid envelope enclosed. Simply sign and return – its that easy!

Frequently asked questions

Are beneficiaries liable for the intestate’s debts?
No, under UK law, beneficiaries are not liable for the intestate’s debts. Debts are payable by the estate.

If – for any reason – there ends up being no inheritance, are beneficiaries charged fees?
No, Blanchard’s only take fees from the estate, from an individual beneficiary’s inheritance share. So, using everyday language, it’s a “no win no fee” situation.

Why are more than one company contacting me?
If this is happening, it is because the details of the case are in the public domain and so more than one Heir Hunter business may be working on tracing beneficiaries.

Do all beneficiaries need to sign with the same company?
No, each individual can make their own personal decision as to who they wish to organise their claim.

Another company has mentioned legal fees, what does this mean?
For ALL cases of intestacy there will be legal fees – as ever these costs are charged to the estate. This question is best answered with a quick call to establish the context of the question. We find – for want of a better term – that frustratingly, other Heir Hunter companies may ‘muddy the waters’, so please call or email me because I WILL be able to help your understanding on this.

About Blanchards

In most cases, heirs to an estate are known and named in a Will. People make Wills to ensure their possessions are in safe hands when they pass away. However, more and more people are passing away without leaving a Will (known legally as intestate). Probate researchers step in when a next of kin can not be easily located. You have been contacted because we believe you are the deceased nearest next of kin. In addition, we also contact people we believe may have information that could assist us. In most cases the deceased person is a distant relative – in fact, most of our beneficiaries have never heard of the person who has died intestate.

Our Role: Blanchards are a firm of Probate Researchers or Heir Hunters as we are commonly referred. When someone dies intestate, an informant contacts us, be it the Government Legal Department, Councils or the police to trace the unknown relatives. We are specialist people tracers, tracing beneficiaries all over the world and connecting relatives to estates they did not know existed.

We only contact people who we believe have a genuine entitlement. This comes after extensive research into their family tree to establish a bloodline connection to the deceased. Over the years, we have solved thousands of cases and released millions of pounds for the benefit of our beneficiaries worldwide.

If you need any further assistance please contact:

Gary Newing 

Client Liaison Manager

Blanchards Inheritance Ltd


DDI: (+44) 01843 808066

Reception: (+44) 01843 808045