Blanchards Offer A Statutory Will Research To The Public Sector.
If your client has lost mental capacity, a statutory Will may need to be drawn up. A statutory Will cannot be made without identifying and tracing your client’s next of kin. This service is free for members of the public sector.
There may be times when these cases are urgent, so we handle them with care, speed, and efficiency. As experienced professionals, we will meet any deadlines you require.
Moreover, a court may have already appointed you as someone’s deputy. Therefore, a statutory Will must be drafted. We are able to assist you in the application process having years of experience in the field.
Blanchard’s offer an extensive selection of services to the public sector, from heir hunting to asset searches. We work on hand with councils, hospitals, coroners and everything in between, to provide an expert and stress free service. Additionally, to view our other services please click here. We look forward to working with you.
If you require this service please do not hesitate to contact us today.
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