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As you may know, tracing beneficiaries to an estate is a time-consuming venture but Blanchards are here to help!

As a solicitor you may be met with the task of locating a missing beneficiary to an estate. This is a process which is time consuming. It often requires a large amount of knowledge and experience with beneficiary tracing.

We are also aware that using certain software and tools tend to be very expensive. Overall, it’s a necessary task but is rarely easy, always time consuming, and therefore never desired.

That’s where we come in with our specialist beneficiary tracing service.

Blanchards Inheritance offer a range of services to the legal sector but it’s primarily our beneficiary tracing which could greatly aid a solicitor.

We have experience working with solicitors nationwide. Additionally, we have found great success using an array of methods both traditional and unconventional producing positive results.

We also have experience on an international scale. For instance, we have been able to trace beneficiaries in the United States, Canada, Australia, Thailand, and numerous other countries. With both international and UK-based cases, we use various open source research methods opposed to the regular tracing tools. These methods require hours of training and in-depth knowledge (that we possess) on the matter which solicitors may not have at their disposal like the common tracing software they may subscribe to.
Here’s one of our testimonials from an international case:

“I’m amazed you found me after I moved abroad and I am so grateful for the inheritance that I would have not otherwise known about.”
Robert – Perth, Australia

If you believe we may be able to assist your firm please contact us today!

Other Services for Solictors

Blanchards offer an extensive selection of services to the legal sector. From beneficiary tracing to bankruptcy searches, we work on hand with Solicitors and other Legal Profesionals to provide an expert and stress free service. To view our other services please click here. We look forward to working with you.

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